Travel through a vast space to destroy the alien forces that have been sent to destroy planet Earth. 

I added the following to the project;

  • Designed a unique main-menu
  • Designed a unique tutorial page for the player to learn about the player and various enemies of the game
  • Designed three unique levels for the player to explore and complete
    1. Level1 serves as an interactable tutorial to teach the player
    2. Level2 is designed to keep the player under pressure  while they are chased by enemies constantly.
    3. Level3 is designed to keep the player dodging enemy fire, while they attempt to destroy the alien space station
  • Used on screen text to help guide the player through the levels
  • Adjusted the fire rate on various levels and enemies based on the needs of the level
  • Introduced a new enemy to the player in the form of an alien space station
  • Adjusted the camera view so that the player would have more visibility for each level


Credit by Chris Cooper for the Unity Course provided by Coursera and Brain Winn


2DSHOOTER-Windows 31 MB

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